curriculum vitae


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CDM methodology

CDM blockages

CDM Blockages


One of the technologically most complex types of CDM projects are those for N2O abatement.  Therefore these CDM projects allow to apply the sociology of science to explain how the N2O abatement technology shapes these CDM projects.  The first and more profitable half of N2O abatement CDM projects are under way.  The more difficult half is yet to be undertaken.

Besides, the N2O CDM projects illustrate quite well how stakeholders struggle to understand the technological complexity and how it fits CDM regulations.  The providers of this technology happen to be concentrated in Germany and so I wrote a history of N2O CDM technology from their perspective (in german).

CDM Blockaden


The CDM methodology process itself is shaped by the interests of CDM developer companies.  The case of N2O shows the CDM secretariat’s general problem of access to the best expertise, aggravated by proprietary knowledge.

When Carbon Traders block the CDM Executive Board


The economics of innovation has been invigorated by Nelson and Winter and by Freeman, leading the way to the field of Evolutionary Economics.  Various proposals for the influence of organizational routines are being pursued.  A typology of innovations in large firms goes back to Keith Pavitt (often referred to as "Pavitt taxonomy").  The innovation services that N2O CDM technology providers sought confirm that this taxonomy applies for CDM projects.

Innovation services for CDM


Pavitt K. 1992, “Some Foundations for a Theory of the Large Innovating Firm”, In Dosi G. et al., Technology and Enterprise in a Historical Perspective, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 212-228.

Thomas Grammig



+49-177 - 83 89 788

